12-week Reset

What health benefits can I expect after 12 weeks?
I will help you stay committed to your new habits to create revitalising change in your health and happiness.
more energy
weight loss
more balanced moods
better sleep
less stress
more body confidence
increased fitness
fewer aches and pains
improved digestion

The 12-Week Reset Wellness Coaching Programme for Women
Working together on a weekly basis we use my pillars of wellbeing - Movement, Nutrition, Mindset, Lifestyle - to make a unique plan tailored to you so that you can regain your energy, feel strong and confident in your body, and live your life to the full
A bespoke exercise programme covering strength, cardio-vascular health, muscle and bone health , flexibility, core strength and pelvic floor.
Short, effective online classes including Pilates, yoga, HIIT and strength work designed especially for you and your body
No dieting here! Instead you are given balanced and sustainable nutrition advice to nourish your body so you feel healthy and energised. You will get personalised nutrition guidance to help you eat the foods you enjoy, recipes for healthy and quick meals for you and all the family, advice on gut health and how to balance hormones.
The key to everything!
Learn how to develop a practical mindset tools to have a positive mindset, break negative patterns and create new healthier habits.
Stress is responsible for many health conditions and also weight gain.
You will learn self-care techniques to manage stress and anxiety

How the programme works
Making big lifestyle change is hard but it doesn't need to be. Working together means I can help you stick to your wellness commitments, even if you've struggled in the past.
Initial consultation
We start our work together with an in-depth consultation about your current lifestyle and goals.
We meet weekly (either in person or on Zoom) as we implement your personalised programme.
Results & new healthy habits
You'll be fitter, healthier and happier having made changes that you can stick to.

What you can expect from me
As well continuous support and guidance from me, you'll also get:
✓ Email support in between session
✓ Downloads and worksheets to support your programme
✓ ...and accountability!

Not quite ready?
Check out the other ways we can work together.